Warm weather arrived this week, and Cole and I ventured out to the playground on Tuesday. Initially it was overrun by older kids and I was afraid he would run in front of the swings and get clocked, so I pushed him around in his car until the scene was quieter. The sunshine felt good and the forsythia was in full bloom...perfect for some snapshots.
Cole amazed me by how well he could balance himself on the slide. He doesn't need a spotter behind him anymore to keep him from falling backwards. We still have to put him at the top because our local tot lot doesn't have stairs for him to climb, but once he's there he's ready and eager to push himself down. I still wait for him at the bottom in case he comes down faster than expected. Tony got home in time to join us, and it was great to be outside together. We had so much fun that we hopped in the car and drove over to a nearby playground so Cole could go on the swings. He didn't seem very comfortable though and instead he went on more slides and played in the mulch.
Yesterday we went to Burke Lake Park with Elaine and Nina, and the kids were fearless on the double slide there...not so much on the big covered twisty slide. In their defense, it wasn't slick enough and Tony almost got stuck in it. Nina's so agile she can run up the stairs and then sit down and slide all by herself. Cole still needs some help so he doesn't try to just walk down the slide. He needs the reminder to sit first, but I'm sure he picked up some pointers from Nina. Her word for slide is "whee," and she said it a lot!
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