
I managed to keep my lips sealed all weekend. It wasn't easy. Tony mentioned the fact that I had my period Saturday night, and he talked about trying again. It was clear he was a little sad and disappointed that I wasn't pregnant. I felt awful, but I still think it's best that I wait to get the results back from the bloodwork before I tell him anything. I don't feel any different. I feel "less pregnant" than I did last November. I don't have any signs other than the absence of my period. I just want to be sure before I get too excited.

I went to the doctor's office again this morning for another beta hCG. The results weren't back yet from Friday's bloodwork, so I'm trying to remain patient. I should have some information this afternoon, and tomorrow I'll know about today's bloodwork. Today the "pro" nurse took my blood. She's really good. I never felt anything when she's done it before, but this time it really hurt. She said my vein is still healing from all the poking in November and December. We might need to use a different vein soon because this one didn't want to stop bleeding once she got it started.

I hope I get a call soon. I'm getting anxious.

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