
Last night I met Elaine at the gym for the first time since before the miscarriage. She's now 10 1/2 weeks along herself. She looks great, but she's looking forward to the end of the nausea. It was great to catch up with her. I decided to share my news with her, because she's one of the most understanding people I know. She was excited, but scared for me too. We got a lot off our chests, but we really need to catch up more often.

Today's news is my level is now over the crucial 2000 mark. I'm at 4074, so I've more than doubled in the past 48 hours. Tracy put me through to the front desk to set up my ultrasound appointment, but the earliest I can get in is Friday 2/21 at 12:30. I'll probably go solo so Tony doesn't have to miss work. I don't mind really. There's still a chance it might be too early to hear a heartbeat so he may not be missing anything. I'm feeling a bit better except for the fact I've started to have some very, very light spotting. It's brown, not red, and I first noticed it Monday night. I don't know if I'll ever really be relaxed.

In an effort to de-stress, I'm going to go to a yoga class tomorrow afternoon. I know it's good for my body, but I'm more interested in what it can do for my frazzled brains right now.

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