Well, it was actually my 29 week appointment. Today was the dreaded glucose test for gestational diabetes. My doctor recommended to drink the solution chilled and from a nice glass. I pulled out the toasting flute that hasn't been used since our wedding for the ocassion. The taste wasn't really all that bad, but it's a lot to drink in a five minute period. The drawback to using the flute was that I had to refill it 3 times in order to drink the full dose.
Other than the bloodwork, my appointment was routine, which is something I still don't take for granted. This is one time in my life when normal is a very good thing.
From now until 36 weeks my appointments will be every 2 weeks. I'm wondering if it will seem like time is going by more quickly now that I'll be marking my time in 2 weeks intervals instead of the monthly appointments I've been having.
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