
Fetal echocardiogram

Yesterday I had my appointment for the fetal echocardiogram. The good news is that the Bean was in great position for the test, and his heart looked completely normal. I've learned that a developing baby's heart is not divided into separate chambers, that there are holes between where the chambers will be that allow the blood to swish around within the heart. It's not until later that the chambers seal off and become distinct. So, while we saw holes inside the Bean's heart, this is totally normal.

The test was amazing. We saw the heart larger than life, and using color mapping like rain bands on a weather doppler, we could even see how the blood was moving through the heart.

The only tough part about the appointment was my insurance. I was told I needed a referral in order to have the test, and I had one from my ob/gyn. But when I got there, I learned I also needed a referral from my primary care physician (who for the record I have never even seen!). So, I called the pcp's office, and was told they would call the insurance company for an approval, but that I couldn't have the procedure done until I heard back from them otherwise my insurance wouldn't cover it--meaning we would have to pay $1,200. We waited as patiently as possible, but the cardiologist's office was getting ready to close for lunch, so I called again to check the status. A new person answered the phone and told me that it would take 7-10 days to process the paperwork! I stood my ground, and she put me on hold. Less than a minute later, the cardiologist's office received the faxed approval. Insurance can be such an ordeal.

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