My doctor's appointment went well last night. Bean's heartbeat was very strong and a bit fast because he had been moving around so much. The kicks have suddenly become a lot stronger. Not only can they be seen on the outside of my belly, but sometimes they're powerful enough to wake me up out of a sound sleep.
My weight gain is on the low end of the charts, and my blood pressure is good. At the next appointment I'll be tested for gestational diabetes. I have to drink a bottle of something orange and then they'll take blood an hour later. After this appointment, I'll start going every 2 weeks for check ups. The second trimester is flying by.
Bean's still measuring big, so my estimated due date may be changed to 10/7. In any case, the good doctors are going to keep a close eye on me as October draws nearer.
The acid reflux has been really tough lately, but I told the doctor I've been managing it with Tums. She said that was fine, but when I asked her how many is too many Tums, she said I shouldn't be taking more than 3 a day. I don't think I've taken less than a 3 day in months! The Tums don't pose any risk to the baby, but she thinks they increase my chances of gall bladder problems. The vitamin I take already has a lot of calcium in it so the Tums could overdo it and cause stones...oh joy
So, I've got to reserve my Tums for when I want to sleep and just buck up during the day. The doctor recommended in addition to the soda which I've already eliminated, to limit my citrus, fruit juice, tomato, and fried food intake. This will definitely help limit my weight gain too!
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