

Cole recently learned how to blow a whistle. He has both a small lifeguard whistle and a slide/pennywhistle that he can now use to torture the neighbors. He does know how to make soft sounds and not-so-soft sounds, and he clearly has a preference.

A side effect of all the whistle blowing, is that Cole temporarily forgot how to use a straw. We were at the diner for dinner and Cole had a cup of milk that he absolutely could not drink. He kept blowing bubbles in his cup and he was clearly confused. It was funny to see him trying to work it out for himself. Luckily I had an empty sippy cup in the bag for him.

Cole quickly re-learned his straw skills with a Red, White and Blueberry smoothie at Wegmans Friday night. As I have said before, when properly motivated, he's a quick learner. He can feed himself dessert with a spoon, but anything else requires help (and coaxing).

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