
bean 2

Cole accompanied me to my 12 week check-up on Tuesday. I've been busy with meetings and cooped up in my office a lot lately and Cole has been saying "Miss Mommy". We had a long car ride to the doctor and we went to grocery store afterwards to prepare for Tony's birthday party the next day. Cole was very excited to pick out a cake and candles, and when we got home we wrapped presents. Cole was so worked up that he greeted Tony with "Happy Birthday" when he came home from work. He was terribly disappointed when we told him he had to wait one more day to open presents and eat cake. It was a nice afternoon and a chance to play together which we both needed very badly. I've missed Coley too.

There's good news to share about Bean. We had a scare when the doctor couldn't find Bean's heartbeat with the doppler, but we got another peek with the ultrasound machine instead. I think this is the 5th ultrasound I've had, but I've lost count. The placenta has implanted in front of the Bean and made it impossible to hear the tiny heartbeat, but the doctor was able to see the heartbeat and we also saw the Bean moving. I know it's too early, but I would swear I've felt fluttering from time to time.

Cole sat on the exam table with me and he's seen enough ultrasounds now that even he knows that it's a picture of a baby.

I've lost weight since my last appointment for a grand total gain of 3 lbs in 3 months. BUT, I'm already wearing some maternity pants because the potbelly is already there. I must have lost weight some place else, but I don't know where. Maybe my brain has lost a pound and a half.

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