
clap your hands!

Cole's got some new tricks. Two weeks ago he learned to clap his hands and to "make raspberries" and other cool sounds while spitting...basically he's transformed from the teething puppy to a well-trained orangutan. As entertaining as his new skills are to us, Cole finds them infinitely amusing. Now that he's got clapping figured out, we've been working on a James Brown routine...clap your hands-uh....and stomp your feet-uh... Gram will be very disappointed in me if Cole masters this before "how big is Cole? so big!".

He's chattering like crazy, but not anything that resembles English yet, although we're having a lot of fun "translating." I swear he told me a joke the other day. He looked at me very seriously, rattled off a few sentences of babble, paused, and then cracked up. I don't know what the punchline was but it was obviously killer material.

Last week, he became obsessed with getting up on all fours. He's doing very well, but he can't maintain the balance for very long. He crosses and locks his ankles once he's up and while that helps with the balance, then he can't move at all. Frustrated, he collapses forward, rolls over and starts the process all over again.

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