
7 months and then some

My memory is getting fuzzy and I really need to post more often. I'm not going to fall victim to blog/neglect/guilt. I just wished I posted more often because I want this to be a record of every amazing moment since I saw those 2 pink lines. When Cole was born, I couldn't help myself from staring at him, completely enchanted by his sweet baby face. I swore I'd remember every moment with him from then on... but now I can't even recall if I've brushed my teeth in the morning. I need to write more, so I can remember more, and so someday, I'll have more stories to share with Cole.

During this past month, Cole has learned to get up on all fours, and just in the last two days, he has begun to make some forward progress. His movement more closely resembles "The Worm" than crawling, but it gets him where he wants to go. Until now he moved around by rolling, but he lacked control and I think he would also get dizzy after awhile, so he rarely reached his destination. Now he can move with more purpose, and that means there's going to be some serious rearranging and child-proofing going on. Look out Kitty, here comes Cole!

Cole's diet now includes sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, green beans, squash, applesauce, pears, bananas, rice cereal, oatmeal, apple juice, white grape juice, and pear juice. He's still nursing too, but not as often as he used to. He's also doing really well with a sippy cup, although I have to help him hold it sometimes because he gets the angle wrong. He'll hold it so he's only getting air and it makes a funny piggy sound...which is usually followed by Cole burping from drinking air. He's a great noisemaker. Which reminds me...his "raspberries" are really loud and wet now. Sometimes he even sticks out his tongue while making his noises. He's particularly fond of these noises while or after eating. I like to think it's a compliment in his language.

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