
one year photo shoot

I got the idea for Cole's one year photo shoot from an episode of Oprah a couple years ago. It was a show about quirky family traditions and the special bonds that they can create. One mother photographs her children on their birthdays each year dressed in the same outfit. Her daughter wears her grandmother's Pucci dress, and her son wears one of his father's dress shirts. Now that the kids are older they really enjoy the photo shoot with their mom and they all have fun looking back at the earlier photos.

For Cole, I chose one of Tony's dress shirts and ties and also his Brett Favre jersey. I couldn't decided so I used both. It was tricky keeping the sleeves rolled up so I had to work fast, but I got a couple shots that I really love. These will definitely be framed.

Oh, another cool idea from that same episode came from a father. He has a special handshake with his kids before they leave for school. Each kid has their own handshake and they've become more and more complicated over the years. The handshakes were really funny, and I still smile just thinking about them.

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