
catching up

Cole had his 3 month check-up on 1/14, and all went well. He's now 2 ounces shy of 16 lbs(!), and 23 1/2 inches tall. The pediatrician remarked that he was a very happy and healthy boy, and that the only thing he could see that Cole was missing is....a neck. He then added that he looks like a snowman. His most popular nickname at the moment is Chubbster. In the side bar, I've added a link to his 3 month album.

We missed our first yoga class (1/16) because I thought I was getting sick, and the temperature was only in the teens. Last week we made it despite the frigid weather, and Cole and I really enjoyed it. There were 2 familiar faces from the prenatal yoga classes I had taken too and it was fun to reconnect and meet everyone's babies.

This past weekend, Cole met his great grandparents from NJ for the first time. There were a lot of Ooos and Aaahhhs from both sides of the crib rail. Gram joined Mema and Pop for the trip, and so we had 4 generations together. Cole was quite the charmer and Mema was amazed by his easy-going manner. She said we must be doing a great job to have such a happy baby.

So many mornings, I wake up to Cole's call for attention, and I'm exhausted. But when I see that mega watt, toothless smile of his, I've got more than enough juice to get me through the day.

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