
yoga baby

This morning Cole and I took a sample postpartum yoga class. New moms and babies 6 weeks to 6 months can attend. The instructor is the same one who led the prenatal yoga classes I had taken. I knew I would enjoy the class, but I wasn't sure if Cole would, so I thought it would be best to take the sample class before making a committment.

The class size is kept small, and there were only 7 of us...well 14 counting babies who attended the sample session. It was so much fun and Cole seemed to think so too. I spread out a blanket at the front of the yoga mat and he cooed and played and sucked on his blanket. We only did a few poses, but the upper body stretches felt wonderful. The babies got some exercise too as we moved their arms and legs and they even got a foot massage.

The best part of the experience is the atmosphere. Cole was fascinated by the other babies and new faces, and everyone was really friendly. No one will mind if your baby starts to cry or fuss. You can stop in the middle of class to change a diaper or feed your baby. I had to change Cole twice and I just scooped him up and went over to the corner by the diaper bag, took care of business, and then got right back into the class. It's not nearly as intense a workout as the prenatal class, but it's perfect for me and for Cole right now.

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