
I did have my ultrasound last Friday afternoon while I put a significant dent in The Fellowship of the Ring. I was relieved to see something on the screen as opposed to my first ultrasound last November. I saw the sac but this time there was a white mass inside it. Dr Sweeney said that's the yolk, and it's a good sign. Above the sac and to the left she pointed to a tiny speck which she said is the baby, and she could see a heartbeat which looked fast enough. I tried to see where she was pointing, and I could kind of make it out, but it looked like the size of a sea monkey and the screen was a good 4-5 feet away. She did say that things might be a little smaller than expected, but she didn't seem too concerned. She was concerned about the spotting I've been having and told me she wants me off my feet as much as possible until my next ultrasound. She didn't give me a little photo to take home, but I didn't ask. I'm still afraid of getting my hopes too high.

That ultrasound is today. Tony's going with me this time. I haven't had any more spotting since Saturday and that wasn't significant and it was very dark brown, not red at all.

The nausea has continued with few breaks, but I'll take that as a good omen. Hopefully, we'll see more in the ultrasound today.

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