
31 week appt

The eight month mark is just around the corner, and I can hardly believe it. Today's appointment went well. Blood pressure still fine, and I managed to gain only 1 lb. in the last 2 weeks. Heartrate was good, a little lower because the Bean was taking one of his rare naps.

The visit got interesting when my doctor began to discuss a date to schedule an induction. Apparently, it takes so long to schedule the procedure that they always set a time for it just in case. I have the option of seeing Dr. Patel on 10/22 or Dr. Sweeny on 10/23, and when asked whether I had a preference for the doctor, my immediate response was "Everyone's been great. I don't really have a preference, so why don't we just go ahead with 10/22." The truth is that at that point I'll be a week overdue, and I don't care who the doctor is as long as I'm induced as soon as possible!

Hopefully, none of this will be necessary, but I'll find out at my next appt (8/28) when I'm scheduled to be induced.

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