
childbirth class: part two

Day two covered emergency childbirth, C-sections, breastfeeding, and basic infant care (diapers, bathing, swaddling, etc.). One of the dysfunctional couples from the day before didn't show up, and another father came late so he could watch his football game. The late father's wife confided to some of the other expectant moms that he had wanted to skip the class all together to go to the Giants game in NJ. I love football, but it's just one weekend, and I would think being by your partner's side at this time should be top priority...but hey, that's me. God help these women if they go into labor during a football game.

It felt like we covered a lot more material during this class than we did the day before, and I'm grateful for the many handouts to help me remember it all...though I really hope we won't need the emergency childbirth info.

I forgot to mention yesterday that the arrogant, "my wife needs a private room" guy from the hospital tour was in our classes. He didn't seem to recognize Tony or me, but we sure remembered him. He attended the class solo and didn't participate at all. I don't understand how he or his wife could possibly benefit from the class...maybe he came for the free refreshments.

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