
formal clothes

Today the Bean's first formal outfit arrived, a christening suit I had ordered online. Tony's parents have given us beautifully embroidered baby bunting to use for the christening, but we still needed something for the Bean to wear underneath. The bunting was used for Tony's baptism as well as his brothers, and was a gift from their grandmother in Taiwan. We're honored to be able to carry on that tradition. We'll also be using a teeny, tiny gold cross necklace that I had worn as a baby that was gift from my great-grandfather...we're suckers for sentimental traditions.

After seeing the bunting, I began to look for the rest of the Bean's ensemble. Little girls have scores of ornate christening gowns to choose from, but there is some really horrible stuff out there for baby boys...mostly tiny tuxedoes with silly bowties.

An Irish linen suit caught my eye, and while I'm certain it's worth every penny, I couldn't justify spending that much money on something that will be worn once and could very well end up covered in spit-up or worse. After further searching, I found Baby Heirlooms in Utah which had just what I was looking for. The suit is simple, crafted of high-quality fabrics, and just too sweet to pass up.

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